Buying Your First Multi-Family Property: Things to Know

Buying Your First Multi-Family Property: Things to Know

  • Wendy Dickson
  • 09/11/23

Buying a home, especially a multi-family property, is an exciting yet daunting task - especially for first-time home buyers. If you find yourself in this position, below is a guide compiled by the CPD Homes team to help you take this monumental, exciting next step.

Ensure you're prepared to take on a loan

A home loan is a significant commitment that demands careful consideration and planning. Before proceeding, ensure you're fully prepared for the long-term financial responsibility. Assess your current financial situation, including credit scores and monthly payments, and consult with a certified financial planner or mortgage lender to determine your eligibility for various loan options. Explore mortgage options and compare mortgage rates to make an informed decision.

Don't overlook the preapproval process

Mortgage pre-approval is a critical step in the home-buying process. Having a preapproval letter shows sellers that you are a serious buyer backed by a lender willing to finance your home purchase. It also gives you a clear understanding of how much house you can afford, aligning your search with your budget. Contact multiple lenders to obtain the best interest rate and consult with a loan officer to guide you through the process.

Keep your credit in good standing

Maintaining a good credit score is essential for obtaining favorable mortgage rates. Regularly review your credit reports for any errors and dispute errors if necessary. Avoid opening new credit accounts or accumulating credit card balances, as these can adversely affect your credit score. Improve your score by making timely payments and using available credit responsibly.

Start saving for a down payment

Saving for a down payment is often one of the most challenging parts of the home-buying process. Consider down payment assistance programs that might be available to you. Start saving early, and be mindful of your spending habits. Cutting back on non-essentials and setting a clear savings goal can help you reach your target for a down payment.

Familiarize yourself with loan options

Understanding different loan options can make the home-buying process smoother. From conventional loans to FHA loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration, each loan type comes with unique requirements and benefits. VA loans can provide advantages like lower down payments if you are a veteran. USDA loans can be an option for those buying in rural areas. Explore all these options with a mortgage lender to find the best fit for your needs.

Remember the closing costs

Closing costs are an essential part of the home-buying process that is easy to overlook. These costs include fees for the appraisal , real estate agents, and title and administrative charges. Plan for these expenses in your budget, and consider closing cost assistance if needed.

Identify your requirements, deal-breakers, and wishes

Having a clear list of what you need, what you can't compromise on, and what would be nice to have can streamline your house hunting. Knowing your priorities will help your real estate agent find the suitable real estate options for you, whether you're looking for a single-family home or a multi-family property.

Engage a competent real estate agent

A good real estate agent is an invaluable asset in the home-buying process. Experienced real estate agents like part of the team at CPD Homes understand the local market, negotiate on your behalf, and guide you through the complex process. Finding an agent that fits your needs and has experience working with first-time homebuyers is crucial.

Show confidence when placing an offer

In a competitive market, presenting a confident and well-researched offer can make you stand out. Consult with your real estate agent to determine a fair offer based on the home's purchase price and current market conditions. Include a personalized letter if appropriate, and ensure all necessary documents are in order.

Enlist the services of an inspector

A home inspection is a crucial step to identify potential issues with the property. Hire a professional to conduct a thorough inspection and pay attention to their findings. This step can save money in the long run by uncovering hidden problems.

Adhere to your financial plan

Stick to your budget and resist the temptation to overspend. Consider mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance policy, and other ongoing expenses to ensure the home fits within your financial means. Tools like real estate apps can help you stay on track.

Keep hard copies of all documents

During the closing process, you'll encounter a multitude of documents. Save physical copies of everything, including bank statements, contracts, and other paperwork. Having these documents on hand can be helpful in the future.

Continue your education

The home-buying journey doesn't end with closing the deal. Keep learning about your mortgage loan, interest rates, payment assistance, and other aspects of homeownership. There are always new home-buying tips and opportunities to save money, and staying informed is key.

National programs for first-time buyers

Conventional lending options

Conventional loans are often a popular choice for home buyers, especially those with higher credit scores and a larger down payment. They come with various options and terms to fit individual needs.

Loans for veterans

VA loans, supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs, provide significant benefits for veterans and their families. They often require no down payment and have competitive interest rates.

Federal Housing Administration loans

FHA loans, backed by the Federal Housing Administration, can be an excellent option for first-time buyers with lower credit scores or smaller down payments. They are generally more accessible and offer various mortgage insurance options.

USDA supported loans

USDA loans are designed specifically for rural area home buyers. They often require no down payment and provide favorable terms for those who qualify.

About CPD Homes, LLC

CPD Homes, LLC, was founded in 2012 by Managing Partners David & Wendy Dickson. The firm specializes in purchasing distressed properties and revitalizing them through an organized renovation procedure. Quality and safety are paramount in CPD Homes' commitment to buyers and tenants, achieved through their expertise, enthusiasm, and shared values.

The company has expanded its impact on residents and investors through CPD Investments’' commercial arm. Recently celebrating a successful 10th anniversary, CPD Homes showcases its stability and success within the real estate sector.

Driven by a continuous ambition to inspire, motivate, and foster lasting transformation, CPD Homes embodies its dedication to Community, Pride, and Development. If you want to buy or sell a home or have questions about the Ohio real estate market, contact CPD Homes, LLC today.

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